Our Favorite Things
These are a few of our favorite things…
We promise that most of our posts will be about writing and books and authors and editing–the word nerd stuff we are all here for. But this time we just wanted to have some fun and let folks get the chance to know us as people. Undertaker Books is D.L. Winchester, Cyan LeBlanc, and Rebecca Cuthbert–and these are a few of our favorite things.
Favorite Movie: The Great Debaters, Gettysburg, The Shawshank Redemption, or Tombstone
Favorite Subgenre of Horror: Historical or Western Horror
Favorite Way to Spend a Day Off: Driving in the mountains
Ideal Author (dead or alive) with Whom to Have Dinner: Tim Dorsey
Choice of Monster to Become (if one had to): Vampire. (Stay up all night and can shapeshift into animals that can fly? Always!)
Favorite Movie: Jaws (horror) Easy A or Hairspray the Musical (other genres)
Favorite Subgenre of Horror: Splatter or Extreme
Favorite Way to Spend a Day Off: With wifey driving to nowhere looking for cemeteries to take photos
Ideal Author (dead or alive) with Whom to Have Dinner: Marquis DeSade
Choice of Monster to Become (if one had to): Marquis DeSade if human; a Gremlin if non human
Favorite Movie: For horror, anything involving a haunted house; non horror, The Quiet Man, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Roadhouse (the original), Labyrinth, The Goonies
Favorite Subgenre of Horror: Gothic or Paranormal; extra points if both
Favorite Way to Spend a Day Off: Reading and having coffee in the backyard with the husband and the dog (who needs her own chair), gardening
Ideal Author (dead or alive) with Whom to Have Dinner: Tie between Daphne DeMaurier, Shirley Jackson, and Mary Stewart
Choice of Monster to Become (if one had to): Banshee or Witch
Now that you know a bit about us, please feel welcome to find Undertaker Books on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok and say hello!